
Picture of the workshop

Workshop “Local alliances for global challenges”

The Euro-Latin American Alliance of Cooperation between Cities, AL - LAS, organized the 7th and 8th of September in Madrid the 10th learning workshop "Local alliances for global challenges", with the aim of identifying, analysing and building knowledge about the potential of city alliances to respond to global challenges from a local perspective, fostering local voice in international spaces and offering concrete solutions to territories.

In the workshop participated representatives from various cities, networks and associations of local governments from Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe on cooperation, internationalization and innovation, among which was the Observatory of Decentralised Cooperation, represented by members of the Barcelona Provincial Council and the Municipality of Montevideo.

This meeting format aims to promote synergies and the exchange of practical experiences between cities to contribute, ultimately, to the generation of knowledge and international action of local and regional governments. Through dialogue, the workshops allow the horizontal construction of knowledge and the exchange of practical experiences.

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