4th World Forum on Cities and Territories of Peace (27&28 June)

The World Forum on Cities and Territories of Peace (WFCPTP) is a significant global platform that brings together diverse stakeholders from multiple levels to emphasize the crucial role of fostering coexistence and peace within cities and territories. By identifying the root causes of conflict and violence, the forum aims to initiate public policies, programs, and citizen initiatives that contribute to the establishment of a culture of peace.
One of the primary objectives of the forum is to address the social pressures that often culminate in violence within various territories. By examining these underlying causes, the participants can develop comprehensive strategies to mitigate and prevent conflicts, promoting sustainable peace within communities.
In 2023, Bogota has been chosen as the host city for the fourth edition of the World Forum. Previous forums took place in Mexico City in 2021, as well as Madrid in 2018 and 2017. The upcoming event is scheduled to be held on the 27th and 28th of June.
The World Forum serves as a dynamic space for dialogue and collaborative work, with a specific focus on constructing solutions and developing institutional and social tools that contribute to sustained peace in cities, territories, and communities. It brings together local governments, international organizations, civil society, academia, and the private sector, fostering conversations about the essential conditions for peace based on social justice, environmental justice, and human security.
The 4th edition of the World Forum will revolve around several thematic axes that will guide the discussions and deliberations. These axes include territorial peace, environmental peace, women, peace & security, transition towards citizenship of peace, and a new social contract for care. Each of these topics is crucial in addressing the multifaceted aspects of peacebuilding and cultivating a peaceful society.
The World Forum on Cities and Territories of Peace presents a valuable opportunity for stakeholders from diverse backgrounds to come together, exchange ideas, and contribute to the development of innovative approaches to peacebuilding. Through collaborative efforts and the sharing of knowledge and experiences, the forum aims to foster a world where cities and territories become beacons of peace and coexistence. To learn more visit this website.